Wednesday, 31 January 2018

US Based Start Up For Merchant Account Business

Merchant Stronghold loves Start-Ups and Helps educate them on how to successfully open a merchant account and set up a payment gateway. Like any Start Up, The business should have the following:

● Valid State ID or Driving License or Passport

● Articles of Incorporation of the Business, Any DBA or Fictitious Name Filing, should be assigned an Employers’ Identification Number (EIN) Issued by the IRS.

● Bank Letter or Void Check for the Business (should clearly state the business name, account #, ABA (routing) # and/or business address)

● SSN (US Citizens) or ITIN (the US and Non-US Citizens)

● Latest 3 months Utility Bills (Gas or electricity bill, Telephone bill, Water bill)

● Appropriate Business Plans, Vendor – Re-Seller – Fulfillment Agreement, if Any

● 4 Months Personal Bank Statements , Appropriate Financials , Strong Profile

The Start-Up business also needs to choose between their marketing strategies and plan out should they need a Retail POS or eCommerce Virtual Terminal. High Risk business may have a six monthly 10% rolling reserve.


An eCommerce US Start-Up needs to have a website should they plan to accept payments online, via phone or by mail. The website should display necessary information about the product and/or services advertised. Terms and Conditions, Return-Refund Policies, Proper Contact Details, Privacy Policy and SSL Cert are some of the few mandates. Read more about Website Compliance in Stronghold’s Blog.


Once the business has all the basic documents and ready to apply for a Merchant Account, the Start-Up business can just click Merchant Stronghold and start an application. It takes about 3 to 5 Business days for the Application to go through the Under Writing and Submitted to the Bank for a Payment Gateway Deployment.

Monday, 29 January 2018

Online Services For Website Designing and Development

Website Designing and Development

A website must leave a positive impact on the viewer, and with years of experience, we design such sites that leave no stone unturned in order to attract the viewer and get success to your business. our design team builds full responsive, user-centric, clean and w3c, CSS validated sites that are both beautiful and successful .

  • Research

    Before starting we love to know what we are doing. Things start with research.

  • Plan

    We use traditional planning style, which starts with paper & pen.

  • Design & Code

    We start with wire frame then convert that using art, after which, we play with code & give life to design.

  • Quality Assurance

    Before Delivery, we perform QA and internal testing on standard Desktop & Mobile Devices.

Complete Professional Collections Website Design & Development Services


We are passionate about designing and developing meaningful and functional websites with a strategic approach. Direct Services Marketing is your one-stop-shop for a complete web design solution. We can provide work from scratch, re-design and update your current website, or simply from a simple tailor need in terms of designing and branding your company, products & services with a fully functioning website.


Profitable e-commerce websites center on organized product catalogs, easy merchant account access and shopping carts that are easy to use. Our designers work with you to ensure your visitors experience a seamless shopping experience and become loyal customers.


Successful marketing sites are designed to increase traffic, encourage engagement and convert visitors. The Orbit design team will transform your marketing goals into an optimized marketing site that maximizes the impact of your brand.


Our Social Media Team will help you to interact professionally and cleverly with your audience. Interaction Social Media is gaining weigh in terms of reputation, brand representation and effort marketing. Promotion, novelty, reviews, and customer’s engagement are the most important thing to plan for a Social Media Marketing.


Our Marketing effort on growing your business’ visibility on the internet is abrupt & we dispose of a technical and creative team to help you increase your rankings. We bring you traffic by using powerful tools and techniques like Keywords, Analytics, and great Content strategy. Our SEO approach is ultimately looking to attract more visitors and gain popularity between the search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and others equally important.

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Resource To Help You Become High Risk Merchant Services SEO

All Multinational SEO’s organization required a credit card payments solution for their business. An SEO merchant account helps the SEO allow plastic card payments from customers, which is a complete must when managing with work that is 100% online. While the SEO field is beneficial and flourishing, it can be a tough task to find an SEO Merchant Account. Though, that’s where we at Merchant Stronghold have you covered. Web optimization-SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, helps your websites get to the top of Google search (1st Rank on Google search index). There are keywords and phrases that acquire more interest from Google and other search engines like Bing, Yahoo etc, and an SEO expert is a specialist at knowing accurately how to phrase your opening so that Google or another search engine can push you to the first page of search engine result page(SERP).

Main search engines Google, Yahoo, and Bing have mainly important first search results, where website’s pages and other content such as videos or local business directory listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers generally associated to users. Payment isn’t concerned, as it is with paid search ads campaign. However, resources still exchange hands, therefore the required for an SEO merchant account. This is where we at Merchant Stronghold come in. We have years of knowledge managing with SEO merchant accounts, even before the majority of people knew what an SEO was.

We know that managing with ad payments can be tricky, as well as bring a prospective risk of fraud. We propose you tremendous security and software to help fight any deceptive activity. In the case that fake activity does occur, we will stand by you, and not abandon your account, as is often the case with other merchant account processors. Large Multinational SEO companies need a merchant account. Not just any merchant account, but a merchant account whose provider has years of experience managing with SEO’s and their fee arrangements. You need to look no further than Merchant Stronghold.

Who requests a High Risk Merchant Account?

SEO / SEM and Web Development organizations are commonly categorized as high risk in the credit card processing business. In fact, the label high risk applies to any business with one or more of the following characteristics:

  • A history of high chargebacks,
  • Irregular very high-ticket sales,
  • In an industry that US sponsor banks and processors are unwilling to support,
  • Highly regulated industry,
  • An industry with long delays between billing and delivery of the good or service, or
  • An industry that relies upon recurring billing, free trials, or memberships, or

With respect to web development, SEO, and SEM businesses, typically they have large ticket sizes (aka large average transactions), they have a significant delay between billing and delivery of the good or service, and as a general rule, most US sponsor banks are unwilling to write these businesses. For those reasons, SEM, SEO, and Web Design / Development businesses are almost universally characterized as high risk businesses, meaning they need a High Risk Merchant Account.

Familiar with Web advertising industry

While any business involved in web marketing is an appropriate fit for our High Risk Merchant Account, startup and existing businesses in the following sub-industries are some of our most common clients:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Website Design
  • Template Design
  • Web Development
  • Software Development
  • Mobile & Desktop App Development

Contact us to start an SEO Merchant Account with Merchant Stronghold in as little as 48 hours!

Thursday, 25 January 2018

High Risk Merchant Account For POS Paints, Varnishes And Supplies MCC 5198

This саtеgоrу covers businesses thаt diѕtributе whоlеѕаlе раintѕ, vаrniѕhеѕ, wаllрареr, аnd ѕuррliеѕ. Rеtаil ѕtоrеѕ ѕеlling thеѕе itеmѕ to thе general рubliс аrе сlаѕѕifiеd in Paint, Glаѕѕ, and Wаllрареr Stores. According to tо thе Standard Induѕtriаl Clаѕѕifiсаtiоn, inventory handled bу buѕinеѕѕеѕ in this саtеgоrу inсludе calcimines, colors аnd рigmеntѕ, еnаmеlѕ, lасԛuеrѕ, раint bruѕhеѕ, ѕhеllас, rоllеrѕ, аnd ѕрrауеrѕ.

Pаint Shор POS System

Effective mаnаgеmеnt аnd сuѕtоmеr ѕеrviсе саn bе a piece оf саkе if you have Verifone VX520 Pоint оf Sаlе Sуѕtеm tо hеlр уоu monitor your ѕаlеѕ trends ѕuсh аѕ fаvоritе color оr color blеndѕ. In thаt way, уоu саn еffесtivеlу mаnаgе уоur fundѕ аnd аvоid sleeping profit due tо stocks thаt wеrеn’t рорulаr.Vеrifоnе VX520 POS Sуѕtеm mаkеѕ it еаѕу tо uрdаtе invеntоrу with асrоѕѕ-thе-bоаrd рriсе changes, nоtаtiоnѕ for discontinued itеmѕ аnd new items hitting thе market.

Inеffесtivе management of a раint store саn сhiр away аt your рrоfitѕ as wеll as уоur ѕаnitу. And mаnаging such a ѕhор саn bе a hаrrоwing tаѕk. Not оnlу dо уоu hаvе your base раintѕ tо trасk, but you hаvе раinting ѕuррliеѕ and other invеntоrу items, ѕресiаl оrdеrѕ, custom соlоrѕ аnd specific ingrеdiеntѕ to mix tо mаkе ѕресifiс types and brаndѕ оf раint.

Minglе in уоur оnе-timе customers, your regulars within-hоuѕе ассоuntѕ аnd уоur linеuр of lаrgе and dеmаnding соmmеrсiаl ассоuntѕ аnd you could be ѕwimming in trоublе without a ѕуѕtеm thаt mаkеѕ it еаѕу tо kеер trасk of everything. Vеrifоnе VX520 POS system рrоvidеѕ that ѕуѕtеm.

Yоu will nеvеr hаvе tо worry again аbоut ѕtосk оutаgе bесаuѕе уоu саn еаѕilу mаkе sure thаt our роint of ѕаlе system fоr paint ѕhор саn аutоmаtе оrdеrѕ аnd рurсhаѕеѕ оf ѕtосkѕ running lоw in your invеntоrу. Yоu саn аlѕо prevent еmрlоуее theft аnd monitor аll of thеir wоrk logs, kеерing thеm honest аnd lеѕѕеning уоur budget costs. Besides, you саn аlwауѕ ассеѕѕ уоur ѕtосk аnd inventory real-time аnуwhеrе уоu аrе ѕо you can immediately mаkе inventory widе сhаngеѕ inѕtаntlу and predict ѕаlеѕ оutсоmеѕ tо аdjuѕt уоur ѕtосkѕ аnd marketing ѕtrаtеgу to bеѕt suit уоur сuѕtоmеrѕ. Bеѕt уеt, оur  Verifone VX520 POS System орtiоnѕ lеt уоu ѕеt uр ingredients intо thе ѕуѕtеm tо track various mixеѕ, mаking ѕаlеѕ оf specialized оrdеrѕ rapid and accurate.

With thоѕе assets, a business саn easily раvе thеir way to success.

Customized Pаint Stоrе POS System

Whеthеr you’re a ѕmаllеr раint shop with a ѕinglе lосаtiоn оr a lаrgе chain with ѕеvеrаl ѕhорѕ, Vеrifоnе VX520 mаkеѕ tracking уоur sales, invеntоrу аnd transactions a simple, streamlined рrосеѕѕ. It inѕtаntlу uрdаtеѕ your inventory bаѕеd оn items ѕоld, саn wоrk аt уоur mаin соuntеr, special paint соuntеrѕ оr anywhere in thе ѕtоrе thrоugh a hаndhеld dеviсе. Best уеt, оur customizable орtiоnѕ lеt уоu set uр ingrеdiеntѕ into thе ѕуѕtеm tо trасk vаriоuѕ mixеѕ, making ѕаlеѕ оf ѕресiаlizеd orders rарid аnd accurate.

Paint Stоrе POS is Stroke оf Brilliаnсе

Commercial Merchant ассоuntѕ, аnd еvеn regular customers, will be dеlightеd when you can call up thеir ассоuntѕ and tеll thеm what and whеn thеу оrdеrеd last, аlоng with a rundоwn on ѕресifiс mixes аnd huеѕ thеу uѕеd in the past. The Vеrifоnе VX520 Pаint Store POS Sуѕtеm doubles аѕ a customer mаnаgеmеnt system, lеtting уоu update infоrmаtiоn, store dеtаilѕ аnd rеасh out with рrоmоtiоnаl оffеrѕ аnd loyalty rеwаrdѕ uѕing еmаil оr SMS. Thе ѕуѕtеm mаkеѕ it easy tо update invеntоrу with асrоѕѕ-thе-bоаrd рriсе changes, nоtаtiоnѕ for discontinued itеmѕ аnd new itеmѕ hitting thе mаrkеt.

Nоtе; Pаintѕ, Vаrniѕhеѕ аnd Supplies аrе expected to do mоѕt of their buѕinеѕѕ via tеrminаl if thеу nееd a payment gаtеwау online (соntасt Merchant ѕtrоnghold to knоw more аbоut this)

Frее POS ѕоftwаrе for Paints, Varnishes аnd Supplies

Hеrе is a POS ѕоftwаrе whiсh is аbѕоlutеlу frее fоr уоur Paints, Vаrniѕhеѕ аnd Supplier

Windwаrd Sоftwаrе

BETTER POS FOR YOUR Paints, Varnishes аnd Suррliеѕ

Vеrifоnе VX520 POS hаѕ аll thеѕе сараbilitiеѕ аnd muсh mоrе, which makes it аn ideal роint of ѕаlе solution fоr your Pаintѕ, Vаrniѕhеѕ аnd Suррliеѕ.

With Vеrifоnе VX520 POS, itеmѕ саn ԛuiсklу bе рut into invеntоrу. Details such аѕ the рriсе that wаѕ раid (соѕt), dаtе rесеivеd, mаrk-uр, mаrgin, ԛuаntitу, аnd dеѕсriрtiоn are аll rесоrdеd fоr each item. When рrоѕресtivе buуеrѕ hаvе ԛuеѕtiоnѕ, any infоrmаtiоn thаt wаѕ еntеrеd on thе itеm саn be easily ассеѕѕ juѕt bу ѕсаnning the product. Cоmрlеtе rероrtѕ саn be accessed to rеviеw invеntоrу levels, inventory value, sales hiѕtоrу, or virtuаllу any aspect оf inventory and ѕаlеѕ infоrmаtiоn thаt hаѕ been соnduсtеd on the ѕtоrе роint of the ѕаlе system.

In a multi-ѕtоrе еnvirоnmеnt, еасh ѕtоrе location саn hаvе “live-time” ассеѕѕ tо invеntоrу infоrmаtiоn frоm store tо store. Buуеrѕ thаt аrе lооking fоr a ѕресifiс item саn bе rеdirесtеd when thаt itеm is рrеѕеnt аt one оf уоur other ѕtоrеѕ.

Requirements of getting high risk merchant account in the USA

In this rapidly transforming world, where businesses are regularly changing their process of dealing with customers. With the development of processes, the businesses now have started accepting the payments through credit cards. Although, of all the business process up-gradation with the help of technology, that eases the maintenance of business, accepting card payments is one of the steps that makes easier for customers to pay directly through their account.

But, many times merchants who are planning to start accepting card payments have very less knowledge about what is required for the establishment of a merchant account. As there are few requirements and prerequisite for getting and maintaining a merchant account that enables the business owner to collect payments via credit cards.

Typically a merchant never directly contact a bank for the merchant account initiation that should collect the card transactions. The reason for this there is a strong need for dealing with fraudulent and error transactions that need to be handled with the guidance of professionals. For a merchant account that collects card transaction, the merchant should contact a processing company that acts as an intermediate between merchant and bank. They help the merchant to deal with the card transactions effectively and help them to get funded by the bank against the legal transactions.

For merchants in the United States, we have listed the requirements of the account application that can help them to be ready with all sorts of documents that will help them to apply with correct documents while filling the merchant account application form:

All the merchants who are based in the U.S. they need to provide the general requirements that are listed below that will help the merchant to prove that she/he is a legal resident of United States:

  • Registered business name in the U.S.: The merchant account applicant must be legally incorporated in the U.S. or at least merchant registered its business with the local governance that could give them “Doing Business As” name (DBA).
  • S. bank account: The merchant should have a running U.S bank account, in which the merchant will get the funds for their transfers deposited.
  • The physical address of merchant: A merchant must have a physical presence that is an address of living or doing business that can be verified.

The above document will help a merchant to show their legal presence in the United States, if a merchant has the above necessary proofs, they can apply in the bank for a merchant account that can help them to collect payment through credit cards.

Now for filing the application for merchant account the documents will vary with the businesses risk volume, that is categorized with the dependence of these factors including nature of the business, monthly processing, previous processing experience, etc. Although, the basic things a merchant needs to fulfill while applying for the account is:

  • Application Form: The application form that will collect the basic information of the business and applicant. The information includes a physical address, Tax ID, average sales, bank account details, web address, phone number, etc. There is an advance pricing agreement that is regarding the pricing of the products.
  • Business license: The applicant’s business requires any kind of permit before being sold; the applicant needs to provide the appropriate license copy at the time of application.
  • Incorporation proofs: if the applicant claims that their business has the existence in all over the world, then there is a requirement of providing/submitting the copy of incorporation paperwork, that proves that business is illegible to collect payment from around the world.
  • Voided check: The applicant needs to submit the voided check of their business bank account, with the business name pre-printed on it, this is called permanent check. If the permanent check is not available, then the merchant will need to submit a letter from the bank stating the account details and have the bank authority signature on it.
  • W-9 form: This is an application form for a Federal Tax ID. It’s not possible the form can be substituted with the SS-4 form with which a merchant can obtain the Tax id.
  • Personal guarantee: The processor tries to be safe from the risk of debt that occurs form the fraudulent activity that is the undeniable part of card payment transaction. A personal guarantee is basically required by the privately held companies due to the nature of the business.

Other than the document, the businesses that are listed in higher risk categories, need to provide these additional details about their business:

Business financial statements: Normally the details of last years of business transactions are required.

Personal financial statements: Again the details of last two years of personal account details.

Processing details: If the business has previously accepted the card payments, then at least of last three month of processing of payment details needs to be shared with the processor.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Retail Offshore High Risk Merchant account for your business

Retail Merchant Accounts are best suited for a business that requires transaction processing at the time of sale and categorized under Card Present Merchant Accounts. Merchant Stronghold can set it for your business anytime. It is sometimes referred as CP or Card Present account, it serves as the foundation for rate structure.Retail Merchant accounts need a smart, solid and fast process at the time of sale. Common examples of this type of transition are the swipe or contactless payment system. A credit card is present when the product is purchased, and because of it, there is less chance of fraudulent transactions too. Because of less risk, low rates for such card present merchant accounts are best available.

Things you should know about Retail Merchant Account

It is obvious that having credit card present when the transaction is being processed will reduce chances of fraud. But there are other variables as well that should be considered when going to a retail merchant account.

One example can be the Volume of Transaction and Average Ticket Size. Consider someone is selling jelly beans or any other product at a mall. The sale of this business will relatively be moderate having low average ticket size. If someone purchases couple of dollars of beans, then there won’t be any big risk to the merchant. Chargebacks and Product returns will not be the concern of business owner. But if average ticket size increases, the risk of chargeback and product return will also increase. If the price of the product is increased, means customers value the quality of the product. Retail Merchant account in this situation can save you because you will be safe from frauds and high risk. With the point of sale software by Merchant Stronghold, retailers will accept payments safely and securely.

We provide quality services and support to the merchants and their customers. Getting a merchant account is just the first step towards success. Merchant Stronghold has safe, secure, and quick processing architecture that is best in the world. Start your Merchant Application Today!

Best Retail Products and Services

Credit card acceptance is the major factor that can lift up your business. There is a wide range of payment solutions that merchants can choose from. We provide all the services that will help business owners succeed in their industry. Here are some of the benefits that most merchants can expect by using our services:

  • Customer Service: Quality Customer Support that is ready to look into your queries anytime
  • Set Up: Easy and Solid Set Up, Accept Payment 24/7
  • Daily Funding: Next Day Batch Settlement
  • Online Portal: Merchants can view their online activities and access dedicated platform that gathers information regarding business activities.

Merchant Technology: Technical Help so that merchants are able to handle difficult equipment flexibly. We make sure that merchants understand the concept of point of sale. One of the major points that we focus upon is fast debt and credit card authorization. We are among the fastest and dependable network in this industry.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Difficulty High Risk Payment Gateway And Merchant Account For Collections Account


Standing issues in business, there’s no doubt. An extraordinary name can permit you to take your business to levels you never envisioned conceivably; an awful one can devastate you before you even open the ways to your store.

Trustworthiness, for better or for worse, also matters when you attempt to secure a merchant account for your company’s credit card processing & Check processing ACH processing. But not your reputation, no matter how pristine and spotless it might be.

No, banks and MasterCard organizations that offer Merchant account rather take a gander at the notoriety of your industry with regards to auditing your application, and the tragic truth of it is, most ordinary suppliers will turn down somebody in the debt collecting office industry without even a moment look.


Different determinant that prompt this negative conclusion held by Merchant account suppliers are the quantity of chargebacks that a business encounters. As most gathering office proprietors can let you know, there are a lot of individuals who guarantee to make an installment, and afterward call sometime later to their bank or Mastercard or Credit card Company and cross out it. Since this includes a considerable measure of income to and from a business, banks get stressed that the gathering organization won’t have enough cash to pay its clients and that reimbursement will turn into the bank’s concern.

The chargeback factor additionally prompts the danger of strength for debt collecting offices. Many have high representative turnover, caused to a great extent by work-related anxiety. Since numerous gathering organization representatives’ pay is attached specifically to rewards, many will leave in a hurry if a steadier open door tag along.


In any case, while some typical Providers see just “high Risk businessHigh Risk Business”, a lot of others see group organizations as authentic organizations keep running by genuine individuals out to give an administration that is unmistakably required, particularly in the current advanced scene where misrepresentation is uncontrolled and individuals appear to have unending methods for purchasing things without each really being responsible for paying for them.

It is regularly the little trader account suppliers who will fill in as the waypoint for accumulations charge card preparing in light of the fact that they themselves have encountered a comparative circumstance – being too little, new, or “deceitful” to secure finances or credits from gigantic foundations.


Please let me know what you think about this? What strategies will you follow when your business is at High risk?

Share your experience in the comments box below.

Sunday, 21 January 2018

E-Cigarette Merchant Account Processing for High Risk Industries

If you are offering E-Cigarette or Vapor Products you should know that it is so difficult to acquire a merchant account to accept credit cards payment processing for your High-risk business. On the off chance that you have a web eCommerce storefront just it might be significantly harder to discover a provider. You should likewise be careful about payment processors who charge high rates and service fees. It is essential that you locate a simplicity and respectable Merchant account, Provider.

Vapor and E-Cigarette businesses are searching desperately to find a merchant account solution to process credit card payments at a reasonable rate…

Merchant Stronghold spends significant time in helping E-Cigarette and Vapor Products get validated for low rate merchant account processing.  We work with both on the web and retail businesses!  Our operators are trained & prepared to deal with your particular needs and answer the majority of your inquiries.  Merchant Stronghold has made exceptional plans with our processing associates to provide a low rate High-risk Payment Gateway and additionally purpose of offer machine to require the necessities of your developing business. Regardless of the possibility that you have been turned around different suppliers for any reason, there is still a very good chance Merchant Stronghold can help you get your Merchant Account approved.

Online retailers that offer vapor items such as vaporizers, tanks, e-juice, starter kits, ecigs and other related items online are viewed as a high-risk merchant account. In common all online e-commerce business is considered high risk because credit cards are absent, that is increasing the risk of fraud. To stoke the fire, Vapor Retailers and Ecig Merchants that offer online go out to a member of pitching to minors. Thus most banks would prefer not to guarantee the danger of this High-Risk Merchant Account. Other outsider processors, for example, Paypal are always shutting Ecig and Vaporizer dealer accounts. You might get lucky and keep your account for several months. It’s only an issue of time before they do an inner review for you and understand that you’re offering an item regarded as restricted by Paypal. When Paypal discovers you, keep an eye out, in light of the fact that you will be closed down and any assets in your Paypal record will be solidified and come back to the client.

Merchant Stronghold Can Get You a Vapor Merchant Account

As a vapor merchant, having a card processing associate that remembers your best advantages gives you a chance to back to concentrating on what is most vital – your business. Merchant Stronghold makes it simple to set up a Merchant account and our valuing plans are intended to give you the flexibility to run your company all while paying the most reduced conceivable rates with fast funding. Simple to coordinate online processing into your previous framework on about each site shopping cart so your clients can keep on conveniently put orders. All Transactions are completed safe and secure so you will have a lower danger of fake rates that end up costing you more. Contact Merchant Stronghold today and address a Vapor vendor account pro for more data.

Contact us today to discuss a program that is right for your business.  Most applications are approved within 24 hours.

Friday, 19 January 2018

High Risk Merchant Account Services For Continuity Merchants [MCC 5968]

You are offering a free trial on your site? We can integrate your eCommerce website with our payment gateway so that your business can accept and rebill customers for your free trial and continuity offer!If you are selling products that require Free Trial, you will need a recurring merchant account and a payment gateway. Most business owners don’t understand the difference between a recurring merchant account and straight sale merchant account. If you don’t know then setting up your e-commerce website can be difficult and you may hit by overwhelming fees, chargebacks and may result in Account Closure!

What’s Trial Continuity?

When someone buys a product with the free trial offer, the cardholder accepts the Terms and Conditions and enrolls in a Trial Continuity Subscription. The website will send this information to the payment gateway for authorization and processing. Once the trial period is overpayment gateway will bill the customer again for the pre-decided to rebill amount. All this process go through Stronghold‘s Recurring Payment Gateway which is at the center of every transaction that customers are going to process. The Cardholder can choose to call in or email in anytime within that time period to cancel and/or extend the trial period.

The Product or Service Advertised should be Compliant and must follow all the Visa and MasterCard defined Policies. SSL Cert, Secure Checkout, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Refund Policy and Return Policy should be clearly mentioned.

Continuity/Subscription Merchants [MCC 5968]

Interchange plus 4.25%, .35$ Transaction

A Dedicated Free Trial Merchant Account is one that is set up just for your business. Merchant Stronghold Accepts Start-Ups too. Usually, the rates are according to the volume of sales and type of product you are selling. It is considered “High-Risk Business” and comes with a standard 10% Six Monthly Rolling Reserve. If you like the thought of controlling your money and ability to set rates, then you should go for a dedicated merchant account. There will be an in-depth discussion before setting up a dedicated merchant account. It usually requires Strong Finances, Appropriate Fulfillment Agreement of your advertised products. Stronghold’s Compliance team checks for any Red Label Ingredients, etc.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

High Risk Business Credit Cards Acceptance Services For Home, Auto Or Device Warranties

Credit Card Acceptance that is flexible for your home, Auto, or Device Warranties business. Merchant Stronghold offers the best range of solutions that can fulfill your business needs. Credit Card Acceptance is essential for your Home, Auto or Device Warranty business.

These days handful of customers want to pay via traditional methods. The credit card payment system is the next generation method that most customers prefer in this modern era. How can you start accepting credit card payments?

By using Merchant Stronghold’s leading payment gateway services. Merchant Accounts can accept all card brands and support all types of credit and debit cards. We provide affordable and simple credit card processing service to help merchants pay full attention towards growing the businesses.


Credit Card Acceptance services are crucial for Home, Auto or Device Warranties business. Your business can accept credit card anywhere in the world. Here are some of the services that we offer:

● Retail Credit Card Processing – POS Terminals
● Website Credit Card Processing – API Technology
● Virtual Terminal Setup – Key in Transactions
● Payment Gateway Set Up – or

There is a range of services that can help your business. We can quickly setup merchant account on affordable rates. We offer credit card processing for various businesses including restaurants, gas stations, Home, Auto, Device Warranties, and more.

Accept All Type of Card Brands

Merchant stronghold is capable of providing a secure and quick account that can accept:

● MasterCard
● Discover
● Visa
● Diners Club
● American Express

Our interchange and dues rates are low as compare to most merchant account companies, and we keep our Businesses our first priority. There aren’t many account providers that can match us in technology. Using Merchant Stronghold’s services, you will be able to run business flexibility, knowing that your money is protected.

No heavy charges on you at any stage, the rates are low and credit card accepting services won’t take much of your total profit. Our certified team is capable of protecting sensitive data including card numbers and anything can expose customer’s identity.

Our customer support team is always ready to answer any question about credit card payments and merchant accounts.Best Merchant Solution for Home, Auto or Device Warranties business
Merchant Stronghold has many associations and partner acquiring ISO’s and their Banks. Should your business want particular service with your merchant account, you can inform us and we will try our best to offer you services that you want. We have a solution that can be integrated into any size of business.

For businesses that are still growing, we have quick solutions, tailored to their needs. We are among the best online merchant services for medium and small-scale business. For larger companies, we have pro services having powerful tools that can keep your business running for a long time.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Best Payment Gateway Provider in USA For Your Merchant Business

Merchant Stronghold: Best Payment Gateway Provider

Merchant Stronghold is one of the leaders in the merchant account industry. We offer payment Gateways and payment options that no one in this industry offers. Executing an agreement with merchant service provider is the first step towards accepting credit card payments. Before Opening a merchant account, you should know which account is best for your business. If you choose the right account, it will solve many of your problems and increase profit margin.

Reliable Merchant Account Services

There aren’t many merchant account providers who understand the worries of business owners. Every business has a size, some are small and others may be big industries. Keeping these facts in consideration, we provide a solution that best fits your business needs. Our payment gateway can accept any card and electronic checks.

We have more than one solution for your business. Those merchants who want to utilize mobile payments, our system can help you to accept payment from any android or apple smartphones too. All you need is our help, we will equip your business with modern gateways that will accept payments from everywhere in the world.

Merchant Account Pricing

You will find our pricing very competitive. You can take benefit of our affordable rates for MasterCard and Visa. We offer a range of products and services that are tailored to a number of businesses. Either it is fraud management, Education, or PCI compliance support, we can integrate our payment system with your business. We are providing our expert services to many businesses, and our merchant accounts are processing thousands of transactions on a regular basis.

24/7 Merchant Support

We offer services that are personalized for your business. To get started, our customer support experts work closely with you so that you can choose the best merchant service and payment method for your business. You can ask questions to our customer support team, they will help you with chargebacks and other issues 24/7. We will make sure that you understand everything related to your merchant account.

You may already be familiar with merchant accounts and accept credit cards. But if you have just started your e-commerce business, you probably need a gateway that is suitable for the business. There is a profit different between the business centered gateway and any payment gateway.

We have powerful products and premium services. You can get your merchant account to control costs and boost your business towards success. We are sure that story of your success will start by integrating modern merchant account with your E-commerce site.

High Risk Merchant Services For Courier Services Businesses [MCC 4215]

Courier business is not new, it has been there for hundreds of years. At first, it was simpler, but modern methods have changed it completely. Not long ago, delivery or courier services had to do transactions in the office; waiting for checks to clear and taking payments was a bigger task than delivering products. Merchant Stronghold is making business easier for courier services all over the globe. Using mobile, secure and reliable payment gateways, businesses don’t have to worry about lengthy payment processes anymore.Mobile, Secure and Reliable Merchant Services for MCC 4215 – Courier ServicesUsing Merchant Stronghold‘s credit card processing services, Courier services business can accept credit cards at the time of delivery or/and even before delivering of the product and/or services.

We offer the mobile solution so that customers can do transactions via their smartphones. Virtual Terminal is also provided to businesses so they can even host the gateway on their website. If businesses have customers who call in or want to make a purchase of emails; Transactions can be made via Merchant Stronghold’s gateway. Our applications are focused on secure processing with low fees. Our services include:

● Lowest Set up fee is the industry
● Interchange plus 2.95% rates
● Monthly fees are negligible
● Daily Funds Settlement
● No Additional hardware necessary

You don’t have to sign up for a custom merchant account, every account is customized for clients. You will get multiple benefits such a mobile app support, flat transaction fees for credit cards and debit cards, and much more. Our accounts are scalable, you can add multiple accounts in a single account. Each individual working on your E-commerce site will own an account linked to main account.

Why choose Merchant Stronghold?

We are a “business-centered” services provider that specializes in customized merchant accounts. Every business has unique requirements, not all courier services are same. We listen to client’s requirement and delivery merchant services that push the business towards success.

Merchant Stronghold can assist all type of businesses, we integrating new methods in our old system, & design everything from the scratch. We welcome businesses under MCC 4215 (Courier Services –Air and Ground) to new and interesting opportunities.

Get started!

You can make your business friendlier by using Merchant Stronghold’s payment options. We offer full electronic payment systems that accept MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and Visa card brands issued credit cards. If any issue arises on your end, we will deal with it. Our experts will work closely with you and your bank to minimize risk for you and your business.

It is not difficult to get approved as long as you are a legitimate business. You can also sign up for any merchant service. Our payment gateways also include automatic billing option for submitting recurring information. Once all the information is submitted, payment will repeat on selected dates. Merchants can choose monthly, the semi-annual or annual schedule for recurring.

Monday, 15 January 2018

Direct Marketing Credit Card Processing For Merchant Services

Merchant Stronghold Exploring new business options like credit card processing can often be just a bit intimidating until you learn how it works. As a matter a fact, it's so simple that you’ll wonder why you waited so long to get a credit card reader and experience the benefits of using a credit card service.

Efficient Front-end Systems and Credit Card Processing Gateway to integrate with Stronghold’s gateway API and be able to provide instant successful transactions are important, especially for a Direct marketing System. Stronghold’s credit card processing gateway not only accepts payment but also compiles reports so that merchants can keep records of transactions. Many companies these days promise to deliver these efficient systems, but most of them focus on providing fancy systems rather than better security. Merchant stronghold on the other hand not only have the most secure and solid gateways available but also close all loopholes that can harm payment system of your direct marketing business.

Rather than using physical terminals, your customers can use secure online gateways for making transactions. There are many advantages; business gets daily batch reports, multi-batch reports, decline reasons, successful transactions, refunds, sorting last 30 days transactions, and much more. All these can be done using your personal or business computer. The Gateway also captures the IP Address and reports it in the system using the iSpyFraud Technology.

Online Payment Gateway

Our virtual gateways can make credit card processing money saving, which means your business pay less amount to process transactions. Merchant stronghold makes sure that every transaction is secure.  In order to provide better direct marketing gateways, we have set ourselves apart from our competition. We offer services that are tailored to your business – A glimpse of our methods:

Safe and Secure Processing: All the credit card processing transactions go through multiple secure servers means no data is stored on your business computer. This makes direct marketing processing safe and secure.

Customer Support: The first thing that any business should focus on is better customer support. Our team is available to help you deal with any payment issue. You can contact us and discuss issues and they will be resolved timely so that your direct marketing business thrives.
eChecks: Gateway allows you to accept checks too! Accept Credit Cards and eChecks in the same Gateway.

Flexible Settlement Times: The business can customize or set a certain time for the transactions to be batched out and be sent out for settlement.

Multiple User Access: Our direct marketing credit card processing gateways give users multiple options. Your customers get email receipts at the time of processing. This ensures that transaction is authentic and quick. All the records are kept for future references.

ISpyFraud Technology: ISpyFraud Technology helps to monitor and capture customers IP address at the time of the transaction. Geo Locations and IP Address helps reduce online fraud and is the first choice for a direct marketing business when it comes to accepting credit cards. Don’t let your merchant face the risks of accepting payments without adequate protection. Get in touch with our to learn more about how to help your customers guard against fraudulent transactions.

If any of your transactions are face to face, then you are not providing enough options to your customers. We can offer your customers easy and reliable options that will suit their payment method. Ever transactions made through our systems will be safe and your customers will get notification of their recent transaction. What is the best part of all this? You are paying less money and getting premium credit card processing gateway.

It is quick and easy! Start an online application or call one of our merchant specialists will walk you through the process. We offer various services and based on your requirement, we will provide a payment solution that will best suit your direct marketing business.

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Offshore High Risk Merchant Account Is The Key To Merchant Business

You need a merchant account to succeed if you are a small business. Providing multiple payment options to your customers has proven to increases sale and offer a lot more opportunities for a Small Business.Small business credit card processing is all about the secure platform for the customers. One of the crucial steps for any business is choosing a merchant account provider. If you are running a mall then cash only approach may work, but according to research, companies may miss the sale because many customers want to do online shopping. According to the latest research in Javelin Strategy and Research, online payments methods have outplaced cash only approach.

Credit Card Acceptance: Accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover

These days only a few people carry cash, rests rely on credit cards. There are only four major card brands through, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. For a small business, credit card processing is incredibly important. According to a report by the market watch, 60 percent of the points of sale transactions rely on debit or credit cards. Many studies have pointed that business owners who offer multiple payment methods are likely to succeed. By providing multiple payment methods, a company is likely to attract a large number of customers from around the globe. Credit card payment makes purchase process secure and easy for customers, and it also helps business to keep a record of sales.

Why your small business needs a merchant account?

The easiest way for small businesses to accept credit card is via merchant accounts. A merchant who wants to expand the business to reach wide audience requires a payment gateway. Merchant accounts have tools that can accept any type of card via a virtual terminal. Any business can integrate more than one payment methods on their online e-commerce site. When a merchant provider is done setting up the account, accepting credit cards becomes easier for business owners.

Merchant Stronghold is the right choice – Many merchants think that it is expensive to accept cards, but this is not always the case. Some merchant account providers such as Merchant Stronghold, A leading Payment Gateway Provider which provides competitive rates so that small businesses can succeed by offering multiple payment options to their customers.

Merchant Stronghold speaks with every small business owner to explain them everything, we also guide them to handle their merchant account. There is a variety of choices offered to merchants to make it simple and secure for their customers. Merchants can access their account via mobile and other platforms. Merchants also get 24/7 customer support to keep the business running smoothly. We use the latest technology to ensure merchants are happy and their business is safe from frauds. You can contact us and we will help drive your business to new heights.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

The Best Retail Merchant Accounts For You Merchant Business

Retail Merchant Accounts are best suited for the business that requires transaction processing at the time of sale and categorized under Card Present Merchant Accounts. Merchant Stronghold can set it for your business anytime. It is sometimes referred as CP or Card Present account, it serves as the foundation for rate structure.Retail Merchant accounts need a smart, solid and fast process at the time of sale. Common examples of this type of transition are a swipe or contactless payment system. A credit card is present when the product is purchased, and because of it, there is less chance of fraudulent transactions too. Because of less risk, low rates for such card present merchant accounts are best available.

Things you should know about Retail Merchant Account

It is obvious that having credit card present when a transaction is being processed will reduce chances of fraud. But there are other variables as well that should be considered when going to a retail merchant account.

One example can be the Volume of Transaction and Average Ticket Size. Consider someone is selling jelly beans or any other product at a mall. The sale of this business will relatively be moderate having low average ticket size. If someone purchases couple of dollars of beans, then there won’t be any big risk to the merchant. Chargebacks and Product returns will not be the concern of business owner. But if average ticket size increases, the risk of chargeback and product return will also increase. If the price of the product is increased, means customers value the quality of a product. Retail Merchant account in this situation can save you because you will be safe from frauds and high risk. With a point of sale software by Merchant Stronghold, retailers will accept payments safely and securely.

We provide quality services and support to the merchants and their customers. Getting a merchant account is just the first step towards success. Merchant Stronghold has safe, secure, and quick processing architecture that is best in the world. Start your Merchant Application Today!

Best Retail Products and Services

Credit card acceptance is the major factor that can lift up your business. There is the wide range of payment solutions that merchants can choose from. We provide all the services that will help business owners succeed in their industry. Here are some of the benefits that most merchants can expect by using our services:

  • Customer Service: Quality Customer Support that is ready to look into your queries anytime
  • Set Up: Easy and Solid Set Up, Accept Payment 24/7
  • Daily Funding: Next Day Batch Settlement
  • Online Portal: Merchants can view their online activities and access dedicated platform that gathers information regarding business activities.

Merchant Technology: Technical Help so that merchants are able to handle difficult equipment flexibly. We make sure that merchants understand the concept of point of sale. One of the major points that we focus upon is fast debt and credit card authorization. We are among the fastest and dependable network in this industry.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Eliminate Complexity From Collecting Payment Gateway Integration


Collecting the sales you worked so hard to generate should be simple and seamless. Our platform is fully integrated to enable invoicing, billing, collection, and related communications all in one place.

MerchantStronghold ™  facilitates online purchases from a merchant’s website and helps them to collect payment from the end customers through E-Check, Credit and Debit Cards etc. It is an intermediary that assembles the online payment options offered by various banks, And cash card brands onto a single platform with minimum technical integration with merchant website.

With Merchant Stronghold merchant Service:

  • Get up and running with the mobile card reader in a matter of minutes
  • Connect transactions to contact records for a 360-degree customer view
  • Know exactly how much you’re earning with 100% transparent pricing


  • Mobility – Internet-based CRM for easy and uninterrupted 24X7 access.
  • Better Customer Management – Effective storage of customer information.
  • Analytics – Easily Analyse and understand Data through various reports available.
  • Customization – user views module according to their need.
  • Role Management – Unique facility available for each users type.
  • Simplicity – Easy to understand, handle and Interpret Data.
  • Safe and Secure – Each user can only view data that is limited to their permission.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

International Merchant Accounts And Merchant Services

Merchant account services worth high quality can be provided to you by Merchant Stronghold irrespective of your geographical location. Business owners from various countries are opting for our services regularly. For processing credit cards, merchants don’t need to depend on a single merchant account; our international banking partners are always there to help our customers.

Our huge network of international merchant accounts include –

Merchant servicesWhen it comes to serving global businesses, a wide range of merchant accounts are offered by Merchant stronghold. Your business requirements are bound to find the right solutions from online merchant account, MOTO, and retail merchant account services. Besides providing offshore and international merchant accounts to e-commerce merchants, we also serve them with merchant accounts that fall under high-risk and low-risk categories. Merchant stronghold even serves specific industries with merchant account solutions that involve webcams, adult videos, online dating as well as payday loans. You must gather more knowledge on merchant account services provided by Merchant Stronghold before you get registered with us –

Payment Gateway Services: Our payment gateway is PCI compliant and is shown under our online merchant services. For managing the online transactions of our clients more effectively, a user-friendly environment is provided by our payment gateway. A few expert developers in our team of professionals are entrusted with the task of maintaining this gateway. Our virtual terminal can be accessed by you without any extra cost once you qualify as a Moto merchant. It will enable you to accept credit cards through mail orders or via phone calls. Know more about the payment gateway provided by Merchant stronghold.

Credit Card Processing Services: Merchant stronghold offers a variety of credit card processing services alongside multiple merchant accounts. China UnionPay, American Express, MasterCard, Diners Club, Visa Electron, Discover, Visa, and JCB are a few of the major banks that can provide you with credit cards. Payments received in a little over 160 currencies can be processed by merchants. Euros, GBP, and USD are some of the most used currencies. You must acquire more information on the credit card processing services.

Shopping Cart Services: When it comes to making your e-commerce website more user-friendly, you’ll need to identify the right shopping cart. Our Merchant Stronghold payment gateway works well with 40 shopping carts that are quite popular. PrestaShop, Magento, Zen Cart, X-Cart and eCommerce are a few of the shopping carts that have gained much popularity in the recent times. The payment modules included by Merchant Stronghold shopping cart services for each of these modules are free. Acquire more knowledge on our shopping modules and carts.

E-commerce Merchants And E-commerce Gateway In United States

E-Commerce Business and merchants:

We all are very well aware that when Business and commercial activities are done Electronically it is referred as E-commerce. Sometimes back it was something which was considered as an advancement in the sector of Business and Commerce but now its a requirement and is taking over rapidly the whole of the market. Present and future of Shopping is online and will be completely online. And this the reason we are seeing numerous start-ups, entrepreneurs starting up with E-Commerce business and achieving their goals and growing globally. It has helped merchants to connect with their customers beyond the boundaries, and even made customer’s experience also fast, seamless, and most convenient.

A report says that E-Commerce Business sales will cross the figure of $638 Billion by 2018 in the only US using the Mobile devices. Now when you are dealing with an online business in order to take a payment from your customer through their card or electronic check you will essentially need a merchant account. A PCI compliant Payment gateway which and be integrated with your E-commerce based Business website and allow your Customer to make a transaction online and help in placing an order and paying for it online. And Here is an important Role of Payment service Provider (Merchant Service provider) who will provide an account or gateway for Merchant to take the payments online. Since an E-commerce Business can fall under either High-Risk category or a low-risk Category as per nature and transactions involved in Business a merchant applying for merchant account Must cross-check for the business category :

The following criterion is a perfect match for any business that falls into the low-risk category –

  • Every month an amount lower than $20,000 is processed by you
  • The average size of ticket that you possess is lower than $50
  • Your chargeback ratio is quite low
  • The industry that you cater to reflects a lower risk
  • The country of your incorporation falls into a low-risk category

What steps to be followed while going for an E-Commerce Merchant Account :

Once you are done with your business setup and you have found that your business is under which category all you need to follow these simple steps to get a merchant account.

  • Choose the Right Domain
  • Pick a Web-Hosting Service
  • Design Your Website
  • Shopping Cart for Online Business
  • Payment Processor Solution for your online Business

Merchant Stronghold is one of the leaders in the merchant account industry. We offer payment Gateways and payment options that are ultimate. Before Opening a merchant account, you should know which account is best for your business. If you choose the right account, it will solve many of your problems and increase profit margin. An E-commerce Business merchant account with Merchant Stronghold will offer you these benefits:

  • Reliable Merchant Account Services
  • Merchant Account Pricing
  • 24/7 Merchant Support

And above all, it will help you in growing your business smoothly.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

The Best Offshore High Risk Merchant Account Tips And Advice

We Are providing High-Risk Merchant Accounts Tips If You have a Business, you need to know about Merchant Account and also need a good merchant account for record keeping to credit card processing and for the chargeback investigation, Merchant Account Maybe your good Friend or the worse enemy. A good Merchant Account Provider understands the issues that will arise in your business, If you want to sell something online you need both a payment gateway and a merchant account, A Bad Merchant Account provider will fix you for industry-standard issues and A Merchant account due to their credit card issue. The fact is that many major merchant services providers are undecided to take on merchants with bad credit, often understand them to be too high of a risk for chargebacks and Fraud Prevention.

Below a few Tips Advice that can help your search.

The First one is, High-Risk Merchant Account looks at their respect for your business. Not with all business, but by the tech support business. Some claim to work will all “high-risk merchants account, but that is not big issues that occur in every single business. While they are all under the same “high risk” Merchants, tech support businesses have different issues. Be sure to network with local tech support merchants to learn of their merchant account decision, as this can help speed up your search.

If you work a tech support industry you need good credit card processing at affordable charges. Unfortunately, there are not various merchant account providers that provide Indian, U.S. or U.K based tech support industry with merchant accounts, and even fewer merchant account providers that offer reliable credit card processing at affordable charges.

The second one is, ask questions, this may be a common understanding for the advice, but sometimes a merchant Provider is so rushed to Provide a merchant account that it is looking at Specific information, but does ask some questions. and the question is. Do you know your current processing fee schedule? if not, then you need to inquiries. Ask Questions. ask about Chargeback Insurance and inquiries. ask about the processing fee record, and if it rises when something arises in your industry. and Ask about termination charges. these things are very important, and they should be asked before you sign on with a merchant account processor.

Everything I know about A Merchant Account

If you need Merchant Account and If you are searching online for key phrases related to high-risk merchant accounts and provides of Visa, MasterCard, American Express, discover credit card processing services for high-risk business types and if you need some help. then you come to the right place #Merchant Stronghold. Almost everything you need to know about receiving credit cards in USA, UK, and Canada with a high-risk merchant account can be found here for our goal.

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